The Risk Insights Blog Cast
Risk Insights Blogcast (Spoken blog articles)
A broader perspective on how auditors can use data for efficiency

A broader perspective on how auditors can use data for efficiency

This is an audio version of a blog article.

The original article was published here:

In this episode, we discuss how auditors could use data to achieve four separate sets of efficiency outcomes.  For the audit team and for their organizations and stakeholders.

Note: This article contains an Auditviz (a data visualization). For this audio version of the article, we will provide a short explanation of the graph, but it would be easiest to see the graph in its original form in the written version of the blog (link above).

Other links mentioned in the article:

For more advice on analyzing data for audits, you can find The Data-Confident Internal Auditor on Amazon, with bonus resources available at
The book aims to demystify the use of data in internal audits through practical, step-by-step guidance. 

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